Monday, March 2, 2009

more ramblings. . ."collections"

I was thinking last night if a person's brain could like suddenly explode. No, really. . .I mean like how a machine starts to go so fast that it just starts smoking and explodes. I had so many things going through my mind last night. . .like all the "stuff" I need to get done, and my mind was going from thing to thing faster than I could keep up. I got up and grabbed the fire extinguisher to put on my night stand. . you know, just in case. Hey, "extinguisher" is a really weird word. . .and kinda fun to say. I just realized that I have NEVER (in all my 47+ years) written (or typed) that word. . .and YES, I had to look it up to see how to spell it. . .what can I say, I'm a home schooler. lol But I digress. . .

So, what I really wanted to talk about is why people collect STUFF. . . I just realized that I collect coupons. . .you know the kind that are like a dollar off this or that. I get them from the Sunday paper, or magazines, or in the mail. I cut them out and put them in a little wallet thing that I NEVER remember to bring to the store with me. So, I guess I am just a collector. Perhaps I should display them on a board like kids do for fairs and such. You know like the kids that collect butterflies, because they "like" them so much. Then they "like" them so much they stick pins in them and put them on a display board. lol And we might be laughing, or be grossed out or what ever, but we walk by those display boards and remark "wow, look at the beautiful butterflies". . .like it is normal to see a butterfly with a big long pin sticking out of it's thorax (yep, you guessed it, I looked that one up too). It reminds me of when people walk past a casket and say "he looks so natural". . .WHAT, please don't ever say that when I die. . .how could they look natural, THEY'RE DEAD! But I digress. . .again. . .

Okay, so they should have a fair where you could display coupon collections and stuff like that. Like a "Homemaker's Fair or something. They could even have competitions like who could make the biggest pile of dirty laundry, or who could get more dirty dishes in to a dish washer. Hey, you could even have races like changing a baby boys diaper without getting wet or see who could grow the prettiest color mold in their fridge. I think ladies wouldn't mind being a stay at home Mom so much if there was a yearly fair where we could "show case" our talents and win some ribbons. I'll just have to get something like that going in the near future. I just realized something. . .now I have one MORE thing to add to my brain traffic jam tonight. . .a Home Makers Fair. . .UGH!! Thanks for listening (looking/reading) . . .until next time. . .be blessed. . .C-ya

Thursday, January 29, 2009

yes I DO have a twitter. . .so Ha!. . .

So, you don't think I have a Twitter account. . .well, I DO. I just haven't had time to blog anything of interest. . . .not that I will ever blog anything of interest. lol

So, for now just know that I am on here and I WILL be back soon. . .so get ready for justdaphy.
